Friday, November 14, 2014

Sodoku Mania...Inspiring Each Other!

Using a straightedge for a professional look
Complicated and new versions
Talking about math
The class is creating and finding all kinds of puzzles. They are enjoying thinking, talking about, checking in with, and wondering about how the numbers or symbols are fitting together. Other ideas emerging are about problem solving and the fun  of creating and sharing....inspiring and getting to know each other better.  All kinds of great opportunities come together because of the weekly sponsorship to the Moscow Pullman Daily News. As a teacher, I signed up for the Tuesday paper because it has the Sidewalk Series. The paper offers so many resources for teaching and extension activities. The class became excited about Sudoku when I used the puzzle during math. Most had seen one, but didn't understand how it worked. Right after Ayden brought a book and then Caden created a puzzle, Keeahna joined in and just yesterday, Elizabeth made one. There have been good laughs and shared learning.

Proud Creators
 The students come to the document camera and explain their thinking and creative process. They also get to work on presentation skills while our class participates as an active audience engaging in questions and comments.

1 comment:

  1. Eilonwy loves Sodoku. She works on them with her Grandpa Latshaw. He noticed years ago that she solves them in a different way then he does.
